Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This steam engine runs between Garibaldi and Rockaway on the weekends. It's so cute and it has a sweet whistle that it blows at all the intersections, including the one right outside our RV Park. We love it!



Little to no crime here, so not much space needed to house the Police Department. We never even lock our door when we go shopping, etc. Never lock the car or our stuff outside.


Not the cleanest, and most of the produce is old!


Of course we didn't take pics of the houses that are not kept up, but this is the typical style.


I've never seen a Chamber of Commerce in a Caboose!


This is the entire town, looking North and South.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Cool fishnet too! Just wait until I get the sea shells in it.


OK we need your opinion. Do you like the walk with or without the fence? We would paint the fence to match the picnic table and the stairs. Let's vote!
OK Wendy, the following post is how we walk out of the trailer and walk to the beach. The rocks you see at the end of the road are the breaker rocks, so it's just right there. You walk up the sandy steps and then down the other side is all beach where you see our chairs. Love ya.

"A Walk To The Beach"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 16, 2010 Monday

Well we had a nice quite weekend. Today the "Project Man" is truly back at it! It's going to be so nice to have that walkway! The other day I bought the cutiest flower planter I have ever seen. Let me know what you think.

Friday, August 13, 2010

August 13, 2010, Friday (Don’t tell anybody, it’s Friday the 13th!) ROCKAWAY BEACH

I went over to Oceanside today and my friend Mary and I went to lunch. I guess she thinks I would be more fun than her husband’s family! Ha ha. We had a real good visit and then I went home to visit “our” beach. Today is the first day that it has been sunny all day. By the time I got ready this morning the fog was already burned off and it was spectacular! Eight o’clock p.m. now and still no fog. Wow! They grow very pretty flowers here. The hydranga are beautiful and they come in so many different colors. These are just a couple of colors.

August 12, 2010, Thursday ROCKAWAY BEACH, YEAH!

Can’t believe it! I knew my friend Mary was coming to the Oregon Coast for her husband’s family reunion sometime this month, but I didn’t know exactly when or where, just that they would be on the coast. She called today and they are going to be about 20 miles south in Oceanside. Tomorrow is the first day of the reunion. Mary lives in Idaho and I don’t get to see her very often. This picture is a where's Waldo type. Can you find her?

August 11, 2010, Wednesday ROCKAWAY BEACH!

Today I took off with the truck and went shopping along the main street here in Rockaway. Can you imagine Mike didn’t want to go and do that????? Go figure???? They have a few fun and cute shops to wander around it. I didn’t buy anything, but it was fun. This is a picture of the play area before you go down onto the beach. It's neat for children, especially if you don't want them to get in the wet in the water for some reason. It has chairs for the adults and sand toys for the kids.

August 10, 2010, Tuesday ROCKAWAY BEACH

Mike is doing a great job staining the deck. It will take a couple coats. He also painted our picnic table and he even picked out the color. It’s called “Sea Gray.” I think it looks great! These are before and after pictures. Neat huh?

August 9, 2010, Monday R O C K A W A Y B E A C H

OK, this is boring. We went shopping for stuff to stain the deck out back. No kidding, that’s the highlight of the day!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8, 2010, Sunday ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR

Spent the morning time with the small Branch of Mormons here in Rockaway. The local missionaries spoke. It was a good meeting. Such a beautiful day today. The clouds all blew away and the sun was shinning! We spent several hours reading on the beach, had a nice roast for dinner and chilled. Hey Wendy. We walked down and took this picture just for you!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 7, 2010, Saturday ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR

Well we had a "rainy" day today. We went to Astoria and walked around Home Depot and Costco trying to figure out what we need for the deck. We did get paint/stain for the picnic table in a "Sea Gray." And we got some stain for the existing back deck in the cedar color. We need to find a "de-humidifier" for the winter months. (Now there's a word you don't here in Utah, de-humidifier.) Nobody has any right now 'cause it's not winter. Still loving it here, even in the rain!

Friday, August 6, 2010

August 6, 2010, Friday ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR

OK now that we know we are going to be here for a year (off and on) Mike’s head just fills with… you guessed it PROJECTS! He torn down our fire pit and re-built it today on top of hauling a lot of gravel. All the supplies were supplied to us by the park! They figure if you make improvements, then when you move out, it will be that much better so they help a lot. They’re really nice here. The two couples who manage the place are very nice also. The guys have been by several times helping out and making sure Mike has everything he needs. We have a little deck at the back and Mike is going to add to it so we have decking out front as we walk from the truck into the house and out of the house to the deck. (He so loves projects!) In the meantime we using gravel.

August 5, 2010, Thursday ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR

OK, the most exciting thing we did today was deciding to lease our RV space here for a year! We so love it here we want to just leave the trailer here and drive back and forth to Utah whenever we want to visit the beach! We are very excited. We’ve always wanted a “place at the beach.” Oh, also today, we did the Laundry. Yes even on vacation you have to do your laundry! Here's a picture of our unit in between two other's. You can see the truck parked out front.

August 4, 2010, Wednesday ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR

We actually looked at a unit for sale here. People have permanent units here that they use as vacation homes. And they just lease the land. What we looked at is a park model, bedroom, kitchen, living room. It’s got some problems though. The stairs you see here is how we get down to the beach.

August 3, 2010, Tuesday ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR

Went back to Tillamook to do some grocery shopping. So nice they have a Fred Meyer and that is about as close as I’m going to get to a “Health Food Store!” And, of course, did some walking on the beach. We absolutely love this place! We are a short block from the beach and walk there often. That little black dot in the middle is Daisy running on the beach. She likes it too.

August 2, 2010, Monday ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR

Today we moved over to that really pretty beach front RV Park in Rockaway Beach called Shorewood. Had a devil of a time getting our trailer into the little spot they assigned us, but a really nice neighbor helped and it all worked out. Seems this park was built back in the 30’s and of course they very tiny trailers back then. The spots are quite small and they have tried to keep as many trees as they can. We got all settled in and then headed for the beach. We took books and Mike took a chair. I sat in the sand and loved every minute of it. I was reading my book, enjoying the beach and got really sleepy. I had brought a towel with me and I simply fell over sideways, put a towel under my head and fell asleep! Come to find out, when I woke up, Mike was also asleep in his chair! What a blessing! So nice!

August 1, 2010, Sunday TILLAMOOK, OR

Today was not a good health day. Spent a lot of time resting and we did take a drive. On our drive we found (by accident) a lovely RV park right on the beach! We’re moving there tomorrow. And… this scout picture is for Dave and Michael Ray Wright II. Thought you would appreciate it.

July 31, 2010, Saturday TILLAMOOK, OR

We went to the Air Museum today. It was lucky for us because they were also having a car show! After the museum we drove south to take pictures of a church that we passed on the way up the coast, but we had the trailer on so we couldn’t stop. We were so lucky, again, because a man who was restoring this beautiful Catholic church was there when we walked up to take pictures. He invited us in and told us all about it. It is just the cutest church and he is doing a beautiful job with the repairs. Hope the pics do it justice. They had the stain glass appraised and just four of the windows were valued at $40,000.