Sunday, October 12, 2008

Grandma's Discouraging Journal 9/29/08

Monday 9/29/08
Went to Chingola house today and I’m so discouraged. I guess my expectations are too high. I should just assume that we will never be able to move up there and then if we finally can, I will be pleasantly surprised. Most of the work they did on Friday doesn’t work today. The new water pump may or may not be working, but the water tank is leaking. They said they were going to replace the mechanism in the toilet, but they just “fixed” it and now it doesn’t work again. There is not water coming out of the kitchen tap on the hot side, which has been a problem since the beginning. I’m very discouraged and it doesn’t help that I don’t feel good. Mike worked and had meetings most of the day, but we had lunch at the Grill. He says that his pay is settled and he will be getting a check. Plus they are supposed to give us $2000 to buy stuff for the new house, but we’ve been trying to get it since we got here. I went to the store which terrifies me ‘cause it’s so hard to figure out the money. Then I spent a lot of time sitting in Suz’s house watching TV and playing with the dog. They are still out of town and she was kind enough to give me her keys because she knows how things go here. Her house is the only place I could feel at peace.

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