Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wednesday 9/24/08
Mike had a busy, frustrating day with Bill and trying to get more of the paper work and tests done for both of them. My day was better today. We arrived at the house about 8 am and it was hard to believe, many men there ready to work?????? They began painting the inside of the house and they painted the trim outside also. They were talking about painting the outside of the house. I told them I don’t think it needs it, ‘cause I just want them to be done and out of my way. It’s not really paint they are using, but some kind of white wash, which is good because it doesn’t smell. The outside trim stuff is actually paint. Get ready, here’s the funny of the day. The head Indian guy who’s in charge of air conditioning came and said he had an order to move the air out of the living room into the master bedroom. I said I thought they were going to put a new one in the bedroom, but “no that was not the order” he says. The young Zambian man that was working for him whispered to me when his boss wasn’t near, “if you insist, they will get you another one.” So I took out my cell phone, called Bob and asked him if we were supposed to get a second air conditioner and he said yes. I handed the phone to the Indian guy and let him talk to Bob. He was so shocked that I would have the clout to call Bob Foster! Of course now we have to have a new “work order” that will probably take days to get. I whispered to the young man and said “Thank You,” and he nodded. Anyway it will be good to have 2. It’s getting hotter now. They say next month is the hottest of the year. Would like to mention what the temp was, but I don’t have a thermometer and I don’t have a TV to watch the news or weather. Went to Suz’s today and she let me use her computer. I was able to finally read all our email and pay bills. It was such a relief. Hope we can get Bob’s internet card on Friday. OK this is for Jackie. Went in the bedroom tonight and there was some sort of a bug along the baseboard, so I got out my trusty can of bug spray (they leave one in every room) and sprayed said bug. It then proceeded to “open up” and “stand up” and turned out to be a great big spider, kinda like a wolf spider. The really good thing is that it didn’t run. Just kinda struggled for awhile and then Mike flushed him. I was noticing today how many busses they have here. It’s either bus or walk for most people. The busses have no air conditioning so all the windows are open. What irritates me is you’re driving along and someone will throw his trash out the bus window. Today we brought Dennis and Suz’s dog home with us. They are out of the country on “holiday.” In other words, their visas are up and Den was working illegal so they have to go to So. Africa for a few days and then re-enter the country and get a new visa. I don’t know about this place. The dog is a sweetheart!

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