Sunday, October 12, 2008

More pics Kitwe Road to Chingola

Here are some crops off the side of the road. They grow the biggest cabbages I've ever seen! There is a very tiny stream going through the land there and the "workers" dip watering cans into the stream and water the crops by hand. The tree below is one of the Jacaranda. Don't know how clear you can see it, but they are filled with purple flowers. Just beautiful!

This is the typical way mother's carry their babies until they are old enough to walk. The colorful skirts you see are usually worn to cover their other clothes they have underneath so that they won't get dirty walking along in the dirt. Below is charcoal. They cut down trees, then slowly burn them, chop them up and put them in these holders. They sell them to those who don't have any charcoal and they use it for cooking, heating, etc.

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