Sunday, October 12, 2008

Grandma's Journal 9/21/08

Sunday 9/21/08
Still haven’t found the church. Maybe next week. Woke up not feeling very well. Wanted to spend the day resting, but the smoke here in Kitwe is so bad between the smelter and the farmers burning leaves, fields, etc., I said to Mike, let’s go to Chingola and see if the air is any better. It was. On our way we listed to the Mormon Tab Choir CD and that made us feel a little better about it being Sunday and all. Also on our way we actually found the gas station that Mike owed the money to, and we paid them. That was surely a blessing from the Lord, because we were out in a part of town where we didn’t know where we were and all of the sudden there it was. Mike was so glad to get that off his chest. He is so honest that this had bothered him a lot because he had promised the man he would return with the money. When we got to Chingola, we measured all the rooms in our house to see if the furniture would fit. And measured the windows to see how much fabric and many curtains to buy. Ran into Suz and Dennis at the golf club when we went to lunch, but it was so crowded we left and went to the Hotel Protea and before ordering Bob called and said they would meet us there. They came and we had a wonderful lunch and visit. Then we drove back home. We hope to be in our house sometime next week. Cindy is going to ask her maid’s mother if she wants to come and help me clean (‘cause the cleaning boys obviously don’t know how) for 20 Kwatcha a day. I’ll probably work with her and we can knock it out in two days. We are supposed to get the bedroom furniture on Tue, but there are still a lot of problems with the house. Can’t believe how slow everything here moves. Today Bob said how sorry he was that the house was not ready right after we got here, but he’s going to tell some people to get on it. We need the toilet, fridge and hot water fixed! I tried to take some interesting pictures today, but I’ll have to go on a day by myself because Mike just doesn’t have the patience to stop every 15 min and turn around and get a good picture.

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