Sunday, October 12, 2008

Grandma's Journal 9/19/08

Friday 9/19/08 – Jackie and Mikey’s birthdays.
Cindy Foster told me today that if you call someone stupid in Zambia the will either put you in jail or deport you! Still trying to figure out how to get the internet. I called Zamtel, the main telecommunications in the country today and had to explain to them what the internet was. Oh brother. I’ve been able to use Suzanne’s internet twice and probably will again tomorrow, need to pay bills. I want the internet so bad I’m about ready to pay 1 million Kwatcha! (That’s about $300.) Mike worked all day today, mostly doing tests, x-rays, etc. They won’t let him in the plant ‘till he gets his medical release. We have a list now of furniture we are supposed to buy and are going to try and pick some of it tomorrow. I painted for a few hours today and did a lot of ironing, when the power was on. We were talking this evening about two nice things about this country that we like better than the U.S. There is no swearing, and I’ve only seen two African people smoke out of the hordes of people all over the streets and in town.

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