Sunday, October 12, 2008

Grandma's Journal 9/23/08

Tuesday 9/23/08
Today Mike and I were on our way to Chingola and Mike was going to give notice. Part of the way there Bob called and asked if he could meet us in Kitwe at our semi (that’s what they call a duplex). We turned around and drove back. Bob came and brought Mike his cell phone, told us they were coming today to put air conditioning in our bedroom in Chingola and the moving check is ready in the office. Then he said I could have his internet card on Friday when Cindy leaves ‘cause he doesn’t use it at home. He also said if that didn’t work then we should go ahead and sign the 1 yr contract and then just skip out in 6 mos. We felt better about the situation and will try a little longer. OK now the hilarious item of the day. Talked to Suz. She says her cleaning service calls and is all excited because they have a carpet cleaner and they are going to come and clean her carpet. So she says OK and wonders the whole time what they are going to bring with them because they don’t have carpet cleaners here, let alone vacuums. When my house guy comes to clean, he sweeps the carpet with a broom. They get there and it’s a shop vac!! They take the carpet outside and proceed to “vacuum” the carpet with this little tiny nozzle while she’s in the house cracking up. Really different life here. I kind of thought about buying a little CD player so I could have some noise in the house, but they cost about $90 here. We only have one channel on the TV at the moment because we are not going to pay for cable until we get up to Chingola. The one channel we get is the religious channel and they have different preachers on all day and night. Actually, some of them are pretty good, while some are just plain annoying. Bill Day got here today and is an old friend of Mike’s from Kennecott and they will be working together. Mike enjoyed reminiscing. Bill’s not in very good health and frankly I don’t think he is going to make it. Tried the internet café today and after waiting 15 min online to get into our email, we gave up and left. The guy was really nice and didn’t charge us. OK it’s an internet café, right? They have dial up! Driving me nuts to not be able to read email.

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